Distributing food to families in India.

Preaching the Good News to Villagers in South Africa.

Ramon partnering with a pastor in India to strategize new church plants.

Loving on local kids!

Ramon and Lorrie Santos

Lorrie has a very unique gift that tears down walls, bringing healing in many forms as the Holy Spirit empowers this gift.
The Joy of the LORD is her strength.
Ramon Santos is a former US Marine who has heard the Word of God since he was a young child. He has devoted his life to using his gifts. Counted among those known as seers who advance God's Kingdom on Earth, he is able to see into the spiritual realms.
Working as a businessman who connects the marketplace and Christians together, Ramon is a licensed minister under the River Ministry in Northern California. He is partnered with other ministries, including: Global Legacy, Catch the Fire, and Global Awakening. He has been invited to teach Biblical Theology on the supernatural at local community colleges.
Let's Connect
Ramon currently lives with his wife in Vacaville, California, where they are both active members of The Mission Church.
He can be contacted for business purposes at Country Estate Inc. _ Broker Associate for all Real Estate needs, DRE #01140444 cell 707.427.1400.