When we follow the Path paved with Belief, Faith, and Love, the Adventures of our lives serve as Testimonies that reveal who He is. We exist in both the Spiritual Realm and this present world, bestowed with Free Will to choose the trail we will tread. This book bears witness to the wonders and mysteries that happen when one chooses to live Life in the Spirit, in Christ, in God. |  Today Acts of the Holy Spirit are in many actions as it continues from past, present into the future. These events occur in churches, concert events, at work, in the shopping markets, at sporting events, there are those touched who never knew about God that points them to life eternal in Christ the Messiah. The Holy Ghost has healed every one, with probably a few exceptions that has belief and faith in Messiah. When the heavenly power struck them, all traces of the diseases disappeared... |  The Call: Tibet & Himalayas offers a glimpse into the hidden spiritual world as you journey to the high places where the supernatural and heaven meet on earth.
There are those among us who have the ability to discern the forces of good and evil at work, standing on the front line with the Holy Spirit in them.
It’s a fascinating journey filled with spiritual encounters that open doors to the power of God. |
 When Christ knocks at the door of your heart and mind, you may be prepared to answer, but do you know how to deal with the spiritual realities of what comes next?
Has the Holy Spirit called you to do a great work as a member of the body of Christ? If so, you must prepare to face spiritual forces at work that want nothing more than to keep you from living out your God‐ordained purpose. |  Seers have a silent influence on society that has been recorded throughout the centuries. Now’s the time to tell their stories and open the minds of those who are unaware of the unseen dimension and how it affects all of us.
In Chronicles of a Seer, Ramon Santos shares his journey and introduces us to the Holy Spirit, who guides him and teaches him how to walk with his prophetic gifts. It reveals key lessons he’s learned along the way. |  The supernatural is a combination of science, miracles, and wonders that are all signs of God's finger touching us. Given to us are choices to make this a better world for all nations and for our children, because we are all His children.
Seers in the Kingdom (Their Stories) is an enlightening spiritual compilation brimming with moving testimonies to the power of God. |